12 Easy Ways To Reduce Water Usage

Taking steps towards water conservation is a vital task that everyone should consider. Despite our dependence on it for everything from hygiene to cooking and cleaning, it is easy to forget that water is a finite resource. Roughly 97% of Earth’s water is saline, and of the remaining freshwater, only about 1% is accessible for consumption, with the remainder locked in ice caps and glaciers. This scarcity, compounded by population growth and climate change, is driving the need for everyone to play their part in conserving water. Below are a dozen handy methods for curbing your water consumption:

  1. Be Mindful When Using Taps

A surprising amount of water is wasted when we leave the tap running during teeth brushing or washing produce. It’s more efficient to fill a bowl for washing fruits and vegetables, and this water can even be reused for watering plants. Instead of waiting for tap water to cool, fill a container for storage in the fridge. When pre-rinsing dishes, instead of letting water run freely, use a small pool of water in the sink or scrape leftovers into the trash or compost.

  1. Opt for Showers Over Baths

Showers typically use less water than baths, particularly if they’re under five minutes. Installing a water-efficient showerhead can boost your savings, and some water companies offer incentives for such investments. If you prefer baths occasionally, remember to plug the drain immediately to avoid wasting water as it heats up.

  1. Utilize Rainwater for Plant Care

Rainwater can be collected from eaves troughs and downspouts and used to nourish your plants, reducing the demand for tap water.

  1. Time Your Lawn Watering Wisely

Water your lawn during off hours of early morning or evening to minimize evaporation. Avoid watering it daily, and consider using a sump pump to redirect water to your lawn. Consider landscaping options like rock gardens or shrubs that require less water.

  1. Replace Hoses With Buckets

Instead of using a hose, use a bucket of water or collected rainwater for tasks like washing your car or watering your garden. This simple change can save significant amounts of water.

  1. Only Run Full Loads in Appliances

Wait until your dishwasher or washing machine is full before running them. Many modern appliances have eco settings that reduce water usage.

  1. Invest in Water-Saving Fixtures and Appliances

Switch to low-flow shower heads, faucets, and toilets, and consider Energy Star-rated appliances. They are designed for efficiency, reducing water and energy usage.

  1. Promptly Repair Any Leaks

Even small leaks can waste thousands of gallons over time. Regularly check for and repair leaks in your home, including less obvious places like toilets and outdoor spigots.

  1. Choose Drought-Tolerant Plants

By using plants native to your area or those that are drought-resistant, you can maintain a vibrant garden without excessive watering.

  1. Cover Your Pool or Spa When Not in Use

Prevent unnecessary evaporation by covering your swimming pool or spa when it’s not being used.

  1. Adopt Efficient Dishwashing Habits

If you wash dishes by hand, fill one basin with soapy water and the other with rinse water instead of leaving the tap running.

  1. Minimize Your Shower Duration

Cutting even a minute off your shower time can save up to 1,500 gallons of water annually.

Water is a precious resource, and it’s everyone’s responsibility to use it sparingly. Implementing these measures can help save water, reduce your bills, and contribute to the planet’s well-being.

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